If you still have our legacy phone number of 843-732-2582 please correct your records, it is now defunct.
Please note our website address is www.mgatravel.com and our advisors email addresses are as follows:
Michael Graham michael@mgatravel.comKelly Graham kelly@mgatravel.comElyse Monroe elyse@mgatravel.comTroy Montenery troy@mgatravel.comJane McDonagh jane@mgatravel.comTom Mugno tom@mgatravel.comKristen Trevey kristen@mgatravel.com
Our physical address remains 10764 Hwy 707, Suite 1, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588. If you wish to visit, we’d love to see you! Please make an appointment so we have time set aside for you.
Yes, Michael Graham & Associates – Travel Investment Advisors is our company name, but we prefer the shortened version of MGA Travel.
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